Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Complexities of life

To freeze a moment in time and to see the gradual process of life,one would only be conclusive that if there was anything certain in life,it is that life is uncertain.To look back at moments where memories could relive the moments, causing the emotions within to stir as if it was happening in the present, I could see moments when I could be so certain of where I am heading and the next moment the insinuation of life engulfs the very confidence I had.

But the moments where I would be in doubt is not constituted by one, but many factors in life. But amidst these points of time I found assurance.It is not only at the lowest of highest point in life that you get to experience the reality of God but also at the points of inflection in life.Each time something had cropped up to cloud my mind from distinctive clarity of my purpose, I would only resort to one thing. I have learned that solving issues with human strength would only make things worst ...or at times make things just "ok". Never with our own capabilities are we given the inclination or the capacity to turn our problems into a victory.It is only by GOd , and through God.

When the tides start to rise beyond our control, we feel intimidated and often lose hope. Experience has thought me that the best way....in fact the only way to overcome the impossibilities in life is to surrender.Surrender not to the circumstances but surrender to God.

It was not long ago when I had a "date" with God. I was at the top of building, shattered by the events happened recently.It was dark, as usual. I was often found alone at this hour at this place, each time I realize I could not handle the accumulation of the perplexity of life.Each time I managed to find time with God, I realize that it becomes my point of education by learning something new.

This time it was something new.Something worth acquiring. As I lay down on the slide, I looked up into the sky.There were no stars.The clouds had covered them.I knew what God was telling me. The complexities and unaccustomed problems that I go through were similar to the clouds that covered the sky.It limits my perspective of life and focuses my eyes on the problems and not God.But the stars were there. I knew the stars were there but I couldn't see them. Then God spoke to me " Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

It struck me that although I could not see beyond the problems, I had to have faith that behind them.....
There was God.

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